Pique: Pēk
Verb : To stimulate interest or curiosity
My goal with Pique is to show what Piques my interest and provide a forum for me to show what I am reading, thinking and doing. Mostly, it will be counselling related, but there may be some surprises. Thank you for checking it out, I hope your interest is piqued too.

Could it be Trauma?

Trauma is a catch all term that often brings images of death, destruction and violence. More accurately, trauma is inherent in everyday life – car accidents, the death of a loved one, illness, medical diagnosis/procedures, bullying, invalidating relationships,...

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Trauma Categories

In my trauma counselling practice in Victoria B.C., I often find myself explaining trauma to clients. While trauma is a broad and complex field of study, current conceptual understandings discern three types: incident, relational, and complex trauma. I have outlined...

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Addiction Self Assessment

In my counselling practice in Victoria BC, I work with many people who want to look at their relationships with substances and other behaviours. In examining these relationships/behaviours, people can determine for themselves if they are problematic, and if they are,...

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Hit the Reset Button

I’ve been thinking a lot about technology and the way that it and the stimulation that comes with it is changing our lives, and then I read an excellent OPINION piece in the New York Times online (ironic) titled Hit the Reset Button in Your Brain by Daniel J. Leviton,...

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